'landscape' by thibault faverie
on the occasion of the biennial event, designers' saturday in langenthal, switzerland,
axor - the designer brand from hansgrohe - has shown the results of a collaborative project
by the bouroullec brothers and students of ECAL university of art and design, lausanne, switzerland.
the young designers were asked to reinterpret and develop objects around the axor bourollec bathroom collection,
which was serving as a starting point for each participant. the collective body of work aims to illustrate the individual needs of the bathroom space.
'elastique' by joschua brunn
'swiss soap' by max neustadt
'covers' by sarha duquesne
'intersection' by su jung-cheng
'zen tools' by giulio parini (left) and 'upgrade' by doganberk demir (right)
'basin basin' by charles mathis
'squeeze' by rita botelho (left) and 'screens' by diane du chaxel (right)
'kone' mobile base for bathroom fittings by felix klingmüller
'axor bouroullec' bathroom collection by ronan and erwan bouroullec
'axor bouroullec' bathroom collection
different faucet arrangements
'axor bouroullec' bathroom ambient