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She fought hard to get the nation's finances back in trim.
But only now can the secret of Margaret Thatcher's own diet be revealed - 28 eggs a week.
The eggs, along with cucumber, spinach, tomatoes, steak and the odd swig of whisky, went towards a strict meal regime that promised to help her shed 20lb in two weeks.
On the brink of becoming Britain's first woman Prime Minister in 1979, the then Mrs Thatcher was said to be keen to lose weight in time for her historic photocall outside No 10.
Her crash diet plan was found typed on a sheet of yellowing paper folded up and tucked inside her 1979 personal diary.
The black leather Economist pocket diary - which also recorded her appointments such as '9.15am Hair' - is one of hundreds of her private documents being made available to the public from today.
The files, never seen before, have been released by the Margaret Thatcher Foundation and give a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of the Iron Lady's first few months in Downing Street.
The diet included a daily breakfast of grapefruit, one or two eggs, black coffee or clear tea. Two eggs were served in each weekday lunch, while steak, lamb chops and fish were the staple of most dinners.
The majority of items were ticked off - but small crosses appeared next to some.
The neatly-folded piece of paper also warned the diet should not be followed for more than two weeks.
Historian Chris Collins, of the Foundation, said: 'It would have been before the election. I think she was looking to get in trim for the cameras. But she didn't need to, she never had a weight problem.'
As a woman, however, Lady Thatcher faced different expectations to her predecessors. In an interview at the time, she claimed she had 'no special dieting regime' and wore size 14 dresses and weighed nineanda-half stone.
Mr Collins said it was the first time a Prime Minister's personal notes had been made public during their lifetime. He said: 'The papers show what it was like to be at No 10, rather than just the policy stuff, which, however important, doesn't give the full picture.'
Many of the files can be viewed online at www.margaretthatcher.org
A horrified Lady Thatcher gave a handbagging to an aide who wanted to capitalise on her election victory with tacky Iron Lady souvenirs.
Tea towels, mugs and postcards bearing her face were among the suggestions put forward by Conservative Central Office.
Five days after the Tories swept to power on May 4, 1979, Gordon Reece, a senior aide at Central Office, wrote a note saying: 'This is not a matter that we would want to worry the Prime Minister about but I am inundated with requests to have Mrs Thatcher's features reproduced on teacups, drying up towels, postcards et alia.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1247164/The-Maggie-diet--whisky-spinach-28-eggs-week.html#ixzz3Qati2Slo
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Grapefruit Diet
Dating as far back as the 1930s, this fad diet still retains some level of popularity. The premise is simple: If you eat a grapefruit before eating anything else, drink lots of water, cut out carbs and eat lean protein, you’ll burn more fat. Fans of this diet say if you do it for around 10 days, you can lose up to 10 pounds. There may be a kernel of truth to this one, says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD. “It’s been suggested that eating grapefruit can help to slim the waistline and lower body weight, most likely due to the diuretic properties of grapefruit helping to shed water weight. In addition, the fruit makes a great high-volume, low-calorie option, helping to keep you full and encouraging less total calorie intake during the day.” Still, isn’t there just so much grapefruit one can eat?
아침 |
점심 |
저녁 |
월 |
자몽, 1-2개의 삶은 계란, 블랙커피 |
삶은 계란 2개, 자몽, 커피 |
삶은 계란 2개, 샐러드, 토스트 하나, 자몽, 커피 |
화 |
삶은 계란 2개, 토마토, 커피 |
스테이크, 토마토, 오이, 양배추, 올리브, 커피 |
수 |
삶은 계란 2개, 시금치, 커피 |
2 lamb chops, 샐러리, 오이, 토마토, 티 |
목 |
삶은계란 2개, 시금치, 커피 |
삶은 계란 2개, Cottage cheese, 토스트 하나, 양배추 |
금 |
삶은계란 2개, 시금치, 커피 |
생선 샐러드, 토스트, 자몽 |
토 |
풍부한 과일 샐러드 양껏 |
스테이크, 샐러리, 오이, 토마토, 커피 |
일 |
치킨, 토마토, 당근, 양배추 |
차가운 치킨, 토마토, 자몽 |
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