정보 기부/유학에 대해
센마-포폴 규격
2011. 4. 22. 01:09
Most international students apply from abroad and send their application by post. Unless stated in the course details, your postal submission can be in any form. However, please read the following:
- Maximum size is A3, preferred size is A4.
- Do not send original work (Fashion applicants: do not send original garments). Photographs, slides or colour copies of work are preferred.
- We like to see sketch books and work that shows the development of your ideas.
- If you are submitting work on CD:
- Check with the International Office to ensure the software you are using will be compatible with our computers.
- If you are using Powerpoint, ensure that file size is kept to a minimum. Do not use transitions - they will make it difficult for us to assess the quality of your work
- Ensure your CD presentation works on both Mac and PC.
- Do not duplicate work on both CD and printed material.
You can find more advice on preparing a portfolio in our Foundation area.
Postgraduate courses
Portfolio requirements vary considerably, please refer to individual course information pages for details and follow them carefully.
- If you are sending your portfolio by courier, the International Office will not pay for any customs and taxes linked to your shipment.
- Do not send original garments, photographs are always better.